Video Production Final Blog ONW NOW News Story This week we worked on a news story for ONW NOW, this was our last video for the semester. This video took us about a week to do but with some set backs it took us a little over a week to finish. We decided to film Mr. Zuck to ask about his opinion about the laptops. We had to reschedule 2 times so that threw us off track but those days we spent filming broll. Once we got an appointment we began by asking Mr. Zuck the questions we wrote about the laptops. I learned that sometimes you plans won't work out how its suppose to so we need to have plenty of back up plans to assure that we will have our film for the video. My teacher had some feedback for us that we need to have a strong back up plan so we aren't rushing to finish in the end. The original video we were planning on...
Showing posts from December, 2018
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Graphic Design Final Blog Project 1: infographic The first project I am going to talk about is my infographic project. This project took about 2 weeks to complete. This project we used Adobe Illustrator and it was a challenge because we haven't used AL very much so we had to learn how to use all the tools in the program. In this project I learned how to use the curve tool to trace and draw images. When I started using the curve tool my lines were kind of messy so Mrs. Beaudoin helped me and showed me how to use the tool correctly. I had a layout planned for this graphic but once I got all my graphics created and completed I cou...
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News Story Blog NEWS STORY Brady Slavens is a senior at Olathe Northwest high school. Brady has been playing baseball for about 10 years. He works hard everyday making himself better and working towards doing baseball as a career, but he doesn’t just work hard for baseball, he also is a very good student. He strives to have A’s and has been awarded many academic rewards. Even with his smarts he wants to be a professional baseball player, that’s his dream. When I talked to Brady about his time commitment for baseball he said he works on his skills everyday whether at baseball practice or going outside with his dad to practice. Brady is a very good influence on his friends and is a role model at Olathe Northwest and he has big plans for his future. When writing a news story there ar...
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ONW NOW Reflection This week we worked on our final project, The ONW NOW show. Our teacher began the project by assigning us to teams and my team was a news story team. We started by thinking of different news stories we could do on ONW NOW that could be good for our students to hear and we chose laptop computers. We didn't have a lot of time on this project so we had to get filming right away. We decided to film Mr. Zuck to ask about his opinion about the laptops. We had to reschedule 2 times so that threw us off track but those days we spent filming broll. Once we got an appointment we began by asking Mr. Zuck the questions we wrote about the laptops. The interview went smooth and we got right to edi...
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Written News Story Blog Students across the US are using laptop computers to do schooling. Some people are for it and others are concerned with how it will effect students with the amount of time that they spend time on a screen. This makes it easier for the students and teachers to do school work but they are not sure how the computers will work out because of the amount of time the students will be on it. If all goes good than this could become the new normal for students across America. When writing a news story there are a few things you need to take into consideration...
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Students across the US are using laptop computers to do schooling. Some people are for it and others are concerned with how it will effect students with the amount of time that they spend time on a screen. This makes it easier for the students and teachers to do school work but they are not sure how the computers will work out because of the amount of time the students will be on it. If all goes good than this could become the new normal for students across America.
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Advanced Feature Story Blog This project I worked on an interview and my group and I chose to do the interview on my cousin and a senior baseball player at ONW, Brady Slavens. We started this story by making questions to ask Brady and decide what the story is going to be about. I was assigned to be the story maker and I also scheduled the times to film the interview. The first time we tried to film the video the camera wasn't working so we had to reschedule and we had to do that a few times. Once we finally got the footage, I went out and got broll for the video from family members and watching baseball games. Since we were behind in the filming part we only had a day to edit but I ended up getting it done on time. I was the director of the interview and I did the story and I scheduled times to film. I ...